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  • Some of our clients

    Create a Better Booking Experience

    With Treedis, your guests know that what they're seeing online is actually how the space will look in real life. By providing the most realistic representation possible, guests feel more confident and more likely to book.

    Attract Event Planners

    Let event planners discover why your space could be the perfect venue. By enabling planners to see and explore your venue in immersive 3D, you’ll save time on in-person visits and book more events.

    Faster Booking. Happier Guests

    Treedis product is giving a full view of the
    room, hotel facilities and surroundings.
    The transparency provided by these visuals increases the user's trust. The interactive experience enhances user engagement.


    increase web engagement


    increase conversion to bookings


    agree that having a 3D walkthrough is superior than other alternatives

    3D Virtual Tour

    Interactive Walktrough with push-button simplicity to choose 3D modes.

    Google Street View

    Google Street View & Maps Integration. Promote SEO stats. Learn More


    Amazing 4K print quality photos from every angle.


    Add interactive hot spots (text, photos, videos, links & menus).


    Track the impact of your marketing efforts from your analytics dashboard.


    Choose a uniquely developed user interface to best serve your brand.

    How it works

    Matter makes capturing and creating beautiful interactive
    3D models easy and affordable.


    Let's scan! All in one marketing at the click of a button. Simple. Fast. Affordable.


    Fast turn around. Find all 3D tour links and assets online in the login area and order photos, floorplan, tour enhancements, and much more, directly from there.


    Sharing is easy. Embed the 3D tour like a video or share it via a link. Every channel, every device – web, mobile, social media and VR.


    Collect leads, analyse the engagement and improve your sales process. Track it all online from your analytics dashboard in the login area.

    Client testimonials

    Here is what some of the top players in real estate
    have to say.

    Francis Kisby

    Director of Sales & Marketing Marriott

    Having consumers able to step into our venue straight from the street and properly experience it will open up the way we market, and how people visualise spaces in a way we hadn’t thought possible. It’s a great step on from traditional photography and delivers true to life representation of our recently refurbished space.

    Eric Breon

    CEO Vacasa

    We know that quality photography drives bookings, and now we’re taking that philosophy a step further to provide a fully immersive booking experience

    King David Hotel Hospitality & Travel
    Nyx Hotel TLV Hospitality & Travel
    Link Hotel & Hub Hospitality & Travel
    View All

    Get in Touch

    Wish to discuss a project? Give us a call now or fill out the form
    below and someone from our team will contact you shortly.